This is by invitation only, yet we do want to grow this event. Here are some guidelines to help you, as a trusted friend of Bunker Hill Farms, share this invitation:
- Help us spread the word and grow our community support!
- Please only share this registration page with members of your team, friends & family or a trusted potential new participant.
- We do appreciate your support in growing our event, but do not post any invitation to join on any social media. Please keep any invitations to additional participants personal.
- It’s cool to be included to an invite-only event!! It’s totally fine to say you’re invited to a private 5K run in Woodstock, Illinois, that’s awesome and fun.
- We kindly ask that you not post this page, any of the Bunker Hill Farms videos, or the website on any social media, public websites, or mass eblasts.
- If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Ochse at