19731 Bunker Hill Road in Woodstock, IL.
Please arrive no later than 6:45 am
Volunteer & Vendor Info
Thank you again for signing up to volunteer on Saturday, June 10th for the Muddy Bunker Corporate Challenge benefiting some wonderful charitable organizations! Please remember to plan on arriving at Bunker Hill Farms, located at 19731 Bunker Hill Road, in Woodstock by 6:45am. Registrants will begin to arrive at 7:15, and it is very important that you are ready before participants begin to arrive.
If you have any questions, please contact Erin McElroy at Erin@bhcharities.org or at 847-997-3260.
Please review and print out a copy of the Safety Instructions, Parking Map & Course Map for your reference on site.
Please familiarize yourself with the course map.
Safety Information
Emergency Procedures:
In case of an emergency contact 911. The Harvard Fire Department will be on site. Do not move the participant. 911 emergencies are: heart attacks, someone passing out, broken bones, trouble breathing, and injury to the head, neck or back (do not move), insect stings or allergic reactions, etc. First contact 911 then contact Sig at 815-904-1904. Then Call Erin at 847-997-3260. Then call Ashley at 312-208-7071. If you have a radio, you can contact Sig/Erin/Ashley on radio AFTER 911 call. Text messages are also appropriate to reach Sig/Erin/Ashley.
NON Emergency Injuries like sprained ankle, cuts or minor incidents where participant needs assistance or transportation back to Lodge contact Sig at 815-904-1904. Then Erin at 847-997-3260. Then call Ashley at 312-208-7071. If you have a radio, you can contact Sig/Erin/Ashley. Text messages are also appropriate to reach Sig/Erin/Ashley.
For very minor cuts or participant needs, there will be a First Aid Kit at the Water Stations and at the Lodge. Emily/Allison/Jake/Erin/Ashley can be reached on the radio and over the phone. Follow the Obstacle Staff Lead Assignments below.
WEATHER: We will monitor the weather closely and send any changes to you by 6:00 am in the morning. If there is a weather emergency during the race a horn will sound and you need to return to The Lodge as quickly as possible and stay inside the garage. Notify the racers near your obstacle and bring them with you. If a golf cart or spectator shuttle car is nearby, please assist as many people in riding back to The Lodge in those vehicles. If you are near the parking lot, and that is the closest shelter, you can consider entering your car until the weather passes. If you are unable to reach the Lodge, seek shelter under a bridge, embankment or covered area. Use extreme caution.
All volunteers will go out with a map and can assist spectators or teams along the course. If anyone needs help, follow the emergency steps. If someone wants to stop the race, assist them with returning to the lodge or call/radio to help the participant off the course.
All volunteers will have an assigned MBIV staff lead support associated with the obstacle or area of course. Each obstacle will also have a radio to call for the lead support staff member. This lead support staff members is to be called to assist with bathroom breaks, if a volunteer needs water or a snack, and other miscellaneous items. The lead support staff members will have a golf cart that will be utilized to transport volunteers who need assistance. The lead support staff members can also utilize the golf carts to help shuttle spectators should they need assistance returning to the Lodge or Finish Line. Until the ‘SWEEP’ volunteer passes and identifies the last racer has passed, never leave the obstacle unattended.
Obstacle Staff Lead Assignments:
Obstacles 12-20 + Water Station + Road Volunteers Contact: Lindsey’s # 815-245-4260
Obstacles 21-26 + Water Station near 26 Contact: Allison Cipra # 708-203-7195
Obstacles 27-31 Contact: Jake at 847-436-3539 + Erin at 847-997-3260
Start/Finish Line Area Contact: Ashley at 312-208-7071
Thank you! See you on Saturday.
If you have any questions, please contact Erin McElroy. She can be reached at erin@bhcharities.org or at 847-997-3260.
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